
Gravito TCF CMP emits “gravito:tcfv2:client” events. Events indicate the UI actions and points when the user has given or denied the consents and rest of the tags can either trigger or not.

Events can be listened to by the addEventListener method:

document.addEventListener('gravito:tcfv2:client', function(event) {
  var  eventType = e.detail.eventType;
//   you can also get consent state of Gravito TCF CMP
  var consentState =window.gravitoCMP.currentState ;
//   depending upon event types you can perform necessary actions

Event Types:

Sr.No Event Type Trigger
1 cmploaded This event is emitted when the CMP is loaded in browser window.
2 layer1:opt-in:all This event is emitted when user click on accept all button on layer 1.
3 layer1:opt-out:all This event is emitted when user click on reject all.
4 layer1:show-settings This event is emitted when user click on settings button on layer 1.
5 layer2:opt-in:all This event is emitted when user click on accept all button on layer 2.
6 layer2:opt-out:all This event is emitted when user click on reject all button on layer 2.
7 layer2:opt-in:selected This event is emitted when user click on accept selected button on layer 2.
8 consent-not-set This event is emitted when user does not have consent cookies
9 opt-in:previously This event is emitted when user has consent cookies
10 opt-in:previously:outdated This event is emitted when user has consent cookies but are outdated